A Novel Test for Suppression and Anomalous Correspondence
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Published: 3 September 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
The test device described diagnoses suppression or anomalous correspondence AC in binocularity patients. The test is based on the principle of colour filteration. The target is a drawing of a human face wearing a ‘red and green’ goggle in the conventional way; and during examination the patient wears a ‘red and green’ goggle in the conventional way also. Not seeing the left eye (green goggle) of the target means that the patient suppresses his left eye. Not seeing the right (red goggle) of the target means that the patient suppresses his right eye. AC in a strabismic very much compares to normal retinal correspondence in a patient with alignment i.e a normal binocular observer. Thus the strabismic seeing the two eyes (red and green goggle) of the target demonstrates AC. The strabismic who has neither suppression nor AC will have diplopia and the target will show/have more than 2 eyes. When compared to other devices like Bangolini striated lenses and Worth 4 dot tests for suppression and anomalous correspondence, the device is simple to interprete by clinicians. The patient by himself knows his binocularity status. So easily it can be employed in visual screening exercises for the illiterate/non verbal who cannot tell colours and angles; and the very young that vision therapy can be most beneficial find the target interesting.
Keywords: Suppression; Anomalous correspondence; binocularity; Red-Green goggle; Strabismic; Diplopia.

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How to Cite
Udo Ubani OD, MSc, PhD, FNCO. (2019-09-03). "A Novel Test for Suppression and Anomalous Correspondence." *Volume 2*, 2, 6-8